Painkillers are routinely prescribed in the United States to manage pain, and while not all of them are addictive, prescription drug addiction has become all too common in America. When pain becomes more severe, a doctor may prescribe an opiate painkiller. Unfortunately, these drugs, like OxyContin, have a high potential for abuse and addiction, painkiller addiction treatment to break the cycle and get clean. If you believe you have become too dependent on painkillers to the point where addiction may have formed, contact Midwest Recovery online or call us at 833.627.0039 today to learn how our painkiller drug rehab can help.
The Painkiller Addiction Help Available
Some people who take their doctor-prescribed drugs exactly as prescribed may feel safe from addiction, but they could find that they are becoming dependent on them and may begin abusing them as their bodies become tolerant. This means that they need more and more of the drug to achieve the same effects, either a high or relief of severe pain.
If you or someone you love is addicted to painkillers, you can help them break the cycle of addiction and get clean again. Numerous painkiller addiction treatment options are available, including the following painkiller addiction help:
- Medically supervised detox
- Inpatient painkiller rehab
- Outpatient treatment programs
- Therapy
- Aftercare
Identifying Painkiller Addiction in Someone You Love
To usher your friend or family member toward the painkiller addiction help the need, you must first know how to identify what painkiller addiction looks like. Someone you love or care about may be addicted to painkillers if they are experiencing:
- Troubled relationships with friends and family
- Unsuccessful attempts to stop using their prescription painkillers
- Withdrawal symptoms when not using the drugs
- Financial problems
- Legal issues from trying to buy more drugs, stealing drugs from others, or driving under the influence of painkillers
- Doctor shopping (visiting multiple doctors/hospitals to obtain additional prescriptions)
If you observe these signs of painkiller addiction, a painkiller rehab at Midwest Recovery Center can be where the important person in your life begins to get their life back on track.
3 Ways to Help Someone with a Painkiller Addiction
If someone you care about is misusing painkillers and has developed a painkiller addiction, you may want to discuss painkiller addiction treatment. As someone who cares about them and who they care about, breaking through this difficult conversation barrier and offering to help them find the painkiller addiction help they could help save their life.
When approaching someone dealing with any addiction, including painkillers, it is important to show compassion and avoid blame or judgment. You can express disapproval of their prescription drug use while also being explicit in your support for them and encouraging them to find the painkiller addiction treatment they need.
It may seem overwhelming to your loved ones, but they can quit using painkillers and once again lead a healthy, happy life free of dependence on the drugs. Here are three ways you can help someone with a painkiller addiction:
Encourage Them to See Their Family Doctor
Most people trust the advice of professionals, especially their family doctor. The first step to your family or friend getting painkiller addiction help could be an evaluation in their local doctor’s office.
Listen to Their Fears
Your loved one likely fears both admitting they have an addiction and need painkiller addiction help. Validate these fears, concerns, and feelings and offer to write down any questions they have about painkiller addiction treatment. Your loved one can refer to this list when talking to potential treatment centers about the painkiller rehab offered. Additionally, reassure your loved one that painkiller addiction treatment is confidential and their privacy will always be protected by law.
Remind Them That Each Person Reacts To Painkiller Addiction Treatment Differently
One approach to painkiller rehab may work for someone but not for someone else. It may take time to find the exact painkiller addiction help your loved one will respond to, and that they are allowed to try different painkiller addiction treatments until they find one that works for them.
Learn More at Midwest Recovery Center
Learn how a painkiller addiction treatment at Midwest Recovery can be the painkiller addiction help your loved one needs to regain control over their life. Contact us using our secure online form or call us confidentially at 833.627.0039 today.