Is Your Spouse Hiding A Painkiller Addiction

Is Your Spouse Hiding a Painkiller Addiction?

Prescription drug abuse is defined as “Taking drugs other than how they were prescribed to you,” and according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, over 18 million Americans abused prescription drugs in 2017. Prescription drug abuse is dangerous not only on its own but because it can lead to opioid addiction. With that comes…

5 Techniques To Stay Sober For Thanksgiving

5 Techniques for Staying Sober on Thanksgiving

The Thanksgiving holiday, for many Americans, is a celebration of and with family and friends. On the last Thursday in November, and throughout the long weekend, you may share good food, have fun conversations, and watch football, and usually, there are drinks flowing freely. For those with alcohol addiction and those in rehab or on…

dbt therapy treats substance abuse

How DBT Therapy Treats Substance Abuse

Dialectical behavior therapy for addiction is a therapeutic approach to treating substance abuse that’s designed to instill in patients an ability to live their life in the present. A DBT for substance abuse program will also help you develop healthy methods for managing and coping with stressful situations, finding emotional balance, and ultimately improving relationships…

woman struggles with prescription drug addiction

How to Help Someone with a Prescription Addiction

It has been estimated that tens of millions of Americans misuse prescription drugs each year. While these medications would have been originally prescribed by a trusted doctor to treat pain and discomfort, addiction is all too common. Finding a path toward prescription addiction recovery can be a challenge for the individual with the substance use…